My warrior son has recently asked me what I’d do if I had super power. “I’d re-ignite the spark in every women’s womb”, I replied.
Diana Jost, Founder
I’m on this planet earth for half a century now and really enjoy to have entered this ‘no bullshit age’, because life is too precious to say ‘yes’ when I mean ‘no’. I keep on being curious what the universe has planned for me and I know that by answering my callings, life does become more effortless.
Are you curious who I am? Well my friends say really good things about me: I have a very earthy motherly energy and I’m full of love, a super loyal friend, great fun and I give the best hugs. My sister says I’m the best sister on planet earth when I’m present, but very annoying and absent when I’m not interested in something. My ex partner says I’m controlling and stubborn (but he still loves me!). I think my best trade is my warm heart, my worst…. oh God I’’m judgemental!
Currently I’m very dedicated to look at my shadow sides. I’m good with being ‘the easy going’, ‘the pleaser’ and ‘the kind one’… of course these are just masks and wearing them is exhausting. Underneath, there is a wild one and a sexy one! I’m super excited to slowly unlock that treasure box to the aspects of myself that I have not allowed to fully be seen. It’s an ungoing exciting journey to authenticity.
I grow up in a house of love in Switzerland, but somehow in my twenties I had to leave that picturesque country in search for more freedom, sailed along Africa, lived in Australia and ended up in Portugal – that’s where I live for many years with my dogs and my son.
I have experienced many severe losses in my life which I wish to never have to go through again, but they have shaped me and in some beautiful ways expanded my spectrum of feeling alive and widened my horizon in the vertical dimension.
Yoga has been my main tool to fine – tune my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body, but other things I do to keep me sane (or not!) is dancing, singing, playing accordion and sitting around a campfire with a group of women, swimming in the ocean, rolling in the earth of the forest and spending a great amount of time with my community.
I love the combination of a disciplined practices (like yoga) together with the creativity in dance and music where I can express myself fully, let life freely dance though me and tune myself up to the chords of the universe.
I have a strong interest in connection with other humans or animals. I’m more of a listener than a talker and I rather perceive others through feeling than through words.
My favourite song is: give me a reason to be a women by Portishead. My favourite food is: Lasagne made by my parents. The best smell ever to me is: my dog’s pawl. My favourite card deck: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild.
In 2007 I founded Algarveyoga a yoga retreat company and in the last two decades I helped over thousands of people aligning with the flow of the universe … the work shall continue, now it’s through HER JOURNEY.
I am a yoga teacher specialised in female embodiment, running yoga retreats since 20 years.
I am very grateful to have learned the ancient tradition of yoga from my master Teresa Caldas and graduated as a Vijnana Yoga Teacher with Orit Sen Gupta (3 years, 800 hours education).
My latest study (14 months intensive) is Somatic Education for Women, taught by Maanee Chrystal and many amazing teachers… The best ever thing I studied and embody.
Formal Trainings: I studied Physical Education at the ETH University Zurich, Switzerland / Yoga Instructor Sivananda Ashram / Ayurveda Health and Nutrition Consultant taught by Dr. Kamlesh, India / Nutritionist, school of natural heatlh science, Great Britain / Counselling course EGAN Model taught by Dr. Graham Dexter / Tantra Massage Therapist, taught by Peter Littlejohn Cook / Vijnana Yoga Teacher, taught by Teresa Caldas & Orit Sen Gupta / Sexual Councelling Training for Therapists, taught by Vasumati / Somatic Education for Women, taught by Maanee Chrystal, Somatic Institute for Women.
Gratitude to all my teachers outside the diploma roams, but actually huge part of my journey: Pedro Borges Paz and Fausto Matias for the Dance and Katia Leonardo for the Voice. Marie van Dongen taught me piano from a very young age and the accordion skill runs through my blood back to my great grand father.
Gratitude to all these people out there that I learn and resonate from listening to their podcasts (mainly Gabor Maté, Michaela Boehm, Esther Perel, Padma Aon, Dr. Saida Desllets , Miriam Ropschitz, Maya Luna, David Bedrickand, Chris Bale). I have a burning interest in connection, relationships, intimacy/sexuality and for women to reclaim their power, their voices and their sensuality.
I’m so grateful to my precious friends, partners, family and animals, who are the perfect (not always easiest :-) mirror to my being.
In dedication to life long learning!

Breasts - the bells of the heart
… that’s how they are referred as in ancient Taoism. The breasts – the expansion of your heart!
How do you hold yours? How do you wear them when you walk into a room? Are they too big, too small, too saggy… too whatever … ?

Happy valentine’s day … single people
From early childhood we received endless messages about the princess being rescued and life won’t be fulfilled until ‘he’ finds us. And then we spend our life chasing the fantasy of finding ‘THE ONE’ and kept on losing ourselves in the process!

the wild one
My 2025 new year resolution was: getting rid of the ‘good girl’, but reconnect to the ‘wild women’! I’m aware that this is not an easy task, but it’s a beginning of a new journey for which I am planting a seed.